As we prepare for the upcoming show season, we would like to share information about this most recent years BIG winner:
GC, BW, RW Catabella Early Times, "Timmy"
CFA's National Best Of Breed

Blue Point, Male, Born 06/11/2007 
National Best of Breed, 2008-09
National Best of Color, 2008-09
Great Lakes Region 15th Best Cat, 2008-09
Great Lakes Region Best of Breed, 2008-09
Great Lakes Region Best of Color, 2008-09
Exhibitor's Choice Best Birman in Championship, Sacred Cat of Burma Fanciers, 2008-09
Best Birman in Championship, Sacred Cat of Burma Fanciers, 2008-09
Best of Color, Great Lakes Region, 2007-08
B/O: Mary Richards